Make cascaded dropdowns
fields (AKA dropdown boxes) can contain placeholders in their query
or expression
property in the format of $(another_field)
or $(another_field[0].name)
The moment the referenced field changes, the referencing field gets re-evaluated, resulting in dynamic and cascading dropdown boxes.
The power of this concept lies in the client web-application that is re-evaluating fields every 100ms. With current processors and the chromium engine, this should be a very seamless experience.
Note: When you reference another enum field, you reference the selected values, NOT the full dropdown list. Use the placeholderColumn
-property or a dot-notation like $(
New in v4.0.20 : setting placeholderColumn to “*” will output the entire record, instead of a single column.
- type: enum
name: CONN1
type: mysql
query: select name from
name: city_name
label: Select a city
default: Amsterdam
required: true
group: CMDB
- type: enum
name: CONN1
type: mysql
query: select from cmdb.datacenter, where
name: datacenter_name
label: Select a datacenter
default: __auto__ # default can be "__auto__" (first item) or "__all__" (all items) or "__none__" (no default)
multiple: true
outputObject: true
required: true
model: cmdb.datacenter
group: CMDB
# or use the placeholderColumn property
- type: enum
name: CONN1
type: mysql
query: select id,name,description from
name: city
label: Select a city
default: Amsterdam # evaluated against valueColumn
required: true
group: CMDB
valueColumn: name # we choose the name column as value for placeholders
placeholderColumn: id # we can reference the id by using $(city)
previewColumn: description # when you select a value, the dropdown will show description
columns: # we hide id
- name
- description
- type: enum
name: CONN1
type: mysql
query: select name, capacity_pct from cmdb.datacenter where datacenter.city_id=$(city)
# this cascaded dropdown will react using "id" as placeholder
# or "query":"select name from cmdb.datacenter where datacenter.city_id=$(",
# or reference the column in the placeholder
name: datacenter_name
label: Select a datacenter
default: __auto__ # default can be "__auto__" (first item) or "__all__" (all items) or "__none__" (no default)
multiple: true
- capacity_pct
outputObject: true
required: true
model: cmdb.datacenter
group: CMDB
Reference another fields value
Placeholders are references to other fields in the forms.
A placeholder is always in the format $(reference)
. Expressions or queries can contain placeholders.
If the placeholder is pointing to a simple field (text, number, password), it will hold that fields value.
If the placeholder is pointing to a object-based-enum field, then you must either use the placeholderColumn
-property or a dot-notation like $(
If the placeholder is pointing to an expression field, then either the full object is returned or you can have an advanced placeholder reference like $(myarray[0].name)
where you can create javascript-like references.
Note: Important to know is that the placeholder is replaced BEFORE the evaluation of the expression. If you expect the result to be a string, then you must wrap it with quotes!. New in v4.0.20 : setting placeholderColumn to “*” will output the entire record, instead of a single column.
- name: field1
type: expression
expression: "[{name: 'foo'},{name: 'bar'},{name: 'ansible'}]"
runLocal: true
- name: field2
type: expression
expression: "'$(field1[0].name)'" # result : 'foo' (note the wrapping quotes)
runLocal: true
- name: field3
type: expression
expression: "$(field1)[0].name" # result : {name: 'foo'}.name => 'foo'
runLocal: true
- name: field4
type: expression
expression: "$(field1).slice(-1)[0].name" # result : {name: 'ansible'}.name => 'ansible'
runLocal: true
- name: field5
type: enum
expression: $(field1).filter(x =>'a')) # result : [{name: 'bar'},{name: 'ansible'}]
runLocal: true
default: __auto__ # result: bar
- name: field6
type: expression
expression: "'$(field5)'" # result : the selected item from field5 (default=bar)
runLocal: true
Hide a field
You can hide a field using the field property hide
Or you can show/hide a field dynamically using the field properties dependencies
and dependencyFn
Group fields together in a block
Use the field property group
. Fields with the same group name will be grouped in a block.
Validate a field
Have a look at the many validation field properties such as regex
, minValue
, notIn
, …
Pass credentials
Credentials can be add in several ways.
- using the field-property
- using the
form-property (key-value pairs) - using an extravar called
# assume you have 2 credentials created in Ansible Forms
# 1: vcenter
# 2: ad
# you want them exposed to the playbook as
# 1: vc_cred
# 2: ad_cred
# Method 1 : using asCredential field-property
- name: vc_cred
type: expression
runLocal: true
expression: "'vcenter'"
- name: ad_cred
type: expression
runLocal: true
expression: "'ad'"
# Method 2 : using credentials form-property
name: myplaybook
type: ansible
vc_cred: vcenter
ad_cred: ad
veeam_cred : veeam_prod,veeam_dev # will first try veeam_prod, then as fallback veeam_dev
# Method 3 : using __credentials__ extravar
- name: __credentials__
type: expression
runLocal: true
expression: "{vc_cred: 'vcenter',ad_cred: 'ad',veeam_cred:'$(veeam_server)'}"
# note : in the expression you can use placeholders to make them dynamic
Pass the current jobid
Ansible Forms automatically sends the current jobid in the extravars.
You don’t need to do anything.
It is sent as __jobid__
Pass the current user
Ansible Forms automatically sends the userinformation in the extravars.
You don’t need to do anything.
It is sent as ansibleforms_user
Access current user info in the form
The field __user__
is automatically added in the form.
expression: $(__user__)
expression: "'$(__user__.username)'"
expression: $(__user__.groups)
expression: $(__user__.roles)
Customize Ansible Forms
Ansible Forms is a web-app. If you run it natively in nodejs, you could replace files or change them.
But more recommended is to run it as a docker-image and add volume or file mappings. Our docker-compose projects already maps directories to make the database, playbooks, logs, certificates and ssh-keys persistent. Nothing is keeping you from adding more mappings to, for example, override the logo.
There is also a custom.js
file where you can add your own javascript functions to use in expressions. Just like you can address our functions with the prefix fn.
(fn.fnRestBasic for example) you can access the custom functions with prefix fnc.
And you can add your own jq definitions as well in the same way with the jq.custom.definitions.js
# Mount application folder to host folder (to maintain persistency)
- ./data:/app/dist/persistent
# Map custom functions for js expressions and jq
- ./data/functions/custom.js:/app/dist/src/functions/custom.js
- ./data/functions/jq.custom.definitions.js:/app/dist/src/functions/jq.custom.definitions.js
# Map custom sshkey to local node .ssh location
- ./data/ssh:$HOME_DIR/.ssh
- ./data/git/.gitconfig:$HOME_DIR/.gitconfig
# Map custom logo
- ./data/mylogo.svg:/app/dist/views/assets/img/logo_ansible_forms_full_white.svg
Enum default value
There is obviously the field property default
you can use to manipulate a default.
And with enum
fields, you can use __auto__
for example to automatically select the first item.
But sometimes you want to have a dynamic default, based on an expression.
See the below example how we accomplish this.
# using client javascript manipulation
- type: expression
expression: "[{name:'bert'},{name:'ernie'},{name:'pino'}]"
name: dropdownsource
label: Dropdown source
runLocal: true
- type: expression
expression: "'pino'"
name: dropdownsourceDefault
label: Default source
runLocal: true
- type: enum
expression: "[...[{name:'$(dropdownsourceDefault)'}],...$(dropdownsource).filter(x =>!=='$(dropdownsourceDefault)')]"
name: dropdownwithdefault
label: Example with expression default by moving it to top
runLocal: true
default: __auto__
# explained :
# we take our default and merge it with the source where we filter out the default (to avoid doubles)
# the default is thus shifted to the first element, which we can now select with the default `__auto__`
Expression default value
For text, number or date fields, you can use the default
property to set a default value.
But what if you want this to be dynamic? Like an expression?
You can do this in 2 ways:
: use the editable property to make an expression-field editableevalDefault
: use the evalDefault property to evaluate the default as an expression
# using editable
- type: expression
expression: "'$(some_other_field)'.toLowerCase()"
name: field1
runLocal: true
editable: true # this will add an edit-button so you manually overwrite the expression value
# using evalDefault
- type: text
name: field1
default: "'$(some_other_field)'.toLowerCase()"
evalDefault: true # it will treat the default as if it was an expression.
# note : when `some_other_field` changes, the default will be re-evaluated
# note2 : works for other fields too.
Query information from AWX or Tower
Sometimes you want to create dropdown boxes, with data from AWX or Tower.
You can use fn.fnRestBasic
or fn.fnRestJwtSecure
to query to do this.
name: Query awx
type: awx
template: my_template # will be overwritten by the field __template__
description: ""
- vmware
executionEnvironment: my_execution_environment
- public
categories: []
inventory: my_inventory # will be overwritten by the field __inventory__
tileClass: has-background-info-light
icon: bullseye
# make sure you add credentials called "awx_rest" where the password holds the token
# if you like basic authentication, switch the expressions below to fn.fnRestBasic instead
- name: organization
label: Organization
type: enum
default: __auto__
expression: "fn.fnRestJwtSecure('get','','','awx_rest','[.results[]]')"
- name
valueColumn: id # => we want the organisation field to hold the id !!
- name: __template__ # use this special name to override the template from the form
label: Inventory
type: enum
default: __auto__
expression: "fn.fnRestJwtSecure('get','$(organization)','','awx_rest','[.results[]]')"
- name
valueColumn: name
- name: __inventory__ # use this special name to override the inventory from the form
label: Inventory
type: enum
default: __auto__
expression: "fn.fnRestJwtSecure('get','$(organization)','','awx_rest','[.results[]]')"
- name
valueColumn: name
- name: __awxCredentials__ # use this special name to override the credentials from the form
label: Inventory
type: enum
expression: "fn.fnRestJwtSecure('get','$(organization)','','awx_rest','[.results[]]')"
multiple: true
default: __auto__
- name
valueColumn: name
- name: __executionEnvironment__ # use this special name to override the executionEnvironment from the form
label: Inventory
type: enum
expression: "fn.fnRestJwtSecure('get','$(organization)','','awx_rest','[.results[]]')"
default: __auto__
- name
valueColumn: name
Database upgrade to 8.x
At some point you will want to upgrade the MySql database.
Initially, Ansible Forms came with MySql 5.7, but you can upgrade the database of course.
With docker-compose you can simple change the mysql version number in the docker-compose.yaml file. (the current docker-compose file uses 8.1)
After a docker-compose down/up, the new image will be pulled and installed.
The upgrade is completely transparent, however, after an upgrade from 5.7 to 8.x you will get warnings about caching_sha2_password
, a newer method of password handling.
To remove the warning you need to do 2 steps:
1) Connect to your mysql server and run this :
ALTER USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'MyPassword';
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'MyPassword';
NOTE : Obviously, you need to correct the username and password if you use another connection user and or password.
2) In the my.cnf
file, you need to change this :
NOTE : in the docker-compose solution the location is ${your-docker-compose-path}/data/mysql/my.cnf
About repositories
Sometimes you want collaboration and versioning and then git repositories are perfect.
In version 5.0.0 you can now manage git repositories.
Every repository is a subfolder of the repositories-path (REPO_PATH
environment variable).
Just go to settings / repositories and start managing repositories. You can either add ssh-based repositories (with public key/known hosts) or https based repositories, public or private with username/password/token.
You can use repositories for synching data-files (yaml files for example to feed formdata).
But also the forms.yaml and forms subfolder, as well as all the ansible playbooks and roles are perfect candidates for repositories.
When creating a repository, you can choose if it’s for forms or playbooks, which will then automatically override the FORMS_PATH
environment variables.
You can also choose if the repository must be cloned when AnsibleForms starts, and you can add cron-schedule to schedule recurring pull-actions.
Additionally, in the swagger interface, you will find a clone and pull rest api for webhooks.
In case you want long-lived access tokens for the webhooks, with swagger you can pass an expiryDays parameter (for admin roles only) and create long-lived tokens.
Enable ytt
In the case you want to use ytt, it can be enabled by setting USE_YTT=1
Read more info about ytt (
NOTE : when using ytt, you must disable the designer, the designer will convert the yaml files to intermediate json and will drop the ytt syntax (which is yaml comments).
A lib
directory needs to exist within the root directory and is automatically included for the ytt call.
Data can be provided globally by setting prefixed environment variables:
Or by providing library data files:
# /tmp/demo_data.yml
message: 'hello demo'
The library demo
needs to exists in the ytt context (lib/_ytt_lib/demo/values.yml)
# lib/_ytt_lib/demo/values.yml
#@ data/values
demo: {}
Then, the loaded data can be used:
# forms.yaml
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ load("@ytt:library", "library")
#@ demo = library.get("demo")
- name: Default
icon: bars
- name: admin
- local/admins
data_values: #@ data.values
demo: #@ demo.data_values()
- name: Demo Form
type: ansible
inventory: #@ data.values.INVENTORY_PATH
playbook: dummy.yml
- name: var_message
type: text
label: Message
default: Object($(demo)).message
evalDefault: true